For Him it is Seemly, for Him it is Meet

Mighty in royalty, chosen of right, His legions say to Him:
To Thee, yea to Thee. To Thee, surely to Thee. To Thee truly to Thee.
To Thee, God, kingship belongeth. Because for Him it is seemly, for Him it is meet.

Distinguished in royalty, glorious of right, His faithful say to Him:
To Thee, yea to Thee. To Thee, surely to Thee. To Thee truly to Thee.
To Thee, God, kingship belongeth. Because for Him it is seemly, for Him it is meet.

Pure in royalty, firm of right, His courtiers say to Him:
To Thee, yea to Thee. To Thee, surely to Thee. To Thee truly to Thee.
To Thee, God, kingship belongeth. Because for Him it is seemly, for Him it is meet.

Single in royalty, mighty of right, His adepts say to Him:
To Thee, yea to Thee. To Thee, surely to Thee. To Thee truly to Thee.
To Thee, God, kingship belongeth. Because for Him it is seemly, for Him it is meet.

Ruling in Royalty, feared of right, His surrounders say to Him:
To Thee, yea to Thee. To Thee, surely to Thee. To Thee truly to Thee.
To Thee, God, kingship belongeth. Because for Him it is seemly, for Him it is meet.

Humble in royalty, merciful of right, His just ones say to Him:
To Thee, yea to Thee. To Thee, surely to Thee. To Thee truly to Thee.
To Thee, God, kingship belongeth. Because for Him it is seemly, for Him it is meet.

Holy in royalty, sustaining of right, His angels say to Him:
To Thee, yea to Thee. To Thee, surely to Thee. To Thee truly to Thee.
To Thee, God, kingship belongeth. Because for Him it is seemly, for Him it is meet.

Powerful in royalty, sustaining of right, His innocents say to Him:
To Thee, yea to Thee. To Thee, surely to Thee. To Thee truly to Thee.
To Thee, God, kingship belongeth. Because for Him it is seemly, for Him it is meet.