Author Archives: admin

July 16, 2018

July 16, 2018 Fear and trembling Isaiah 66: 1 – 2  poor, contrite and trembleth  The gospel is the same and was the same. Isa 66: 3 – 12  Description of the bride Phil 2: 5  “Let this mind be … Continue reading

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July 12, 2018

July 12, 2018 Fear and trembling Isaiah 64: 1 – 2  That the nations may tremble at thy presence. Nature itself causes fear and trembling. Psalm 119: 113 – 120  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. … Continue reading

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July 9, 2018

July 9, 2018 Fear and trembling Daniel 5: 20 – 6:13 ; 6:22 – 28  The king believed due to Daniel We are called as watchmen… Ezekiel 3: 18 – 21  The most difficult thing about the gospel is that … Continue reading

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July 6, 2018

July 6, 2018 Isaiah 66: 1 – 5  God will look to those of a poor and contrite spirit. We will automatically use the evil one in our understanding if we don’t tremble at his word. The only way is … Continue reading

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July 5, 2018

July 5, 2018 Phil 2: 1 –  He made himself of no reputation – “keno”  He emptied himself No fear in this community, we’ve become too comfortable Mark 16: 1 – 8  fear and trembling – we must share in … Continue reading

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June 27, 2018

June 27, 2018 Matt 16: 13 – 23  “Get behind me Satan…thou savourest not the things of God, but those that be of men.” Romans 8: 1 – 8  If we justify thinking of ourselves (carnal mind = enemy of … Continue reading

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June 26, 2018

June 26, 2018 Phil 2: 1  Be of one accord, of one mind…In the 1st century, they didn’t proceed until there was agreement. They didn’t continue with the 3-year cycle until there was agreement / one-ness. 1 John 1: 12 … Continue reading

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June 25, 2018

June 25, 2018 Phil 1: 21 Phil 2: 3  Prefer other’s interest over your own; Our minds do everything to keep from emptying, to remain in control Total emptiness = nothing between you and the father Luke 4: 1 Phil … Continue reading

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