May 12, 2017

May 12, 2017

Day before celebration of Pentecost
1 Cor 15: 34  Live by faith, no longer using your own understanding, calculating, cause and effect, etc.
v. 36  The seed sown must die before it can be quickened.
v. 45 Quickening = life giving  We were all born into and of the evil one, our minds are what dies, what is abandoned. It is the emptying of self.
The only way you know you’ve died is you no longer use your mind.
As long as you are in the picture, you are not of faith.
Romans 8: 5-9  Our mind is the enemy of God.
1 John 4: 1-4  The spirit of anti-Christ is constantly trying to get us to focus on issues of the world and “to-do’s”, things you need to do.

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May 5, 2017

May 5, 2017

Acts 26: 1 –
v. 17  He’s been delivered, we’ve been delivered from the human race.
Sanctified = fully delivered from the human race
v. 20  What are the works necessary for repentance? Seeing the futility of everything else.

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May 4, 2017

May 4, 2017

What is sanctification? Who is sanctified?
Matt 18: 3  Except you be converted and become as this little child…
Heb 10: 1-14  Sanctification is reached when we are empty, dead. We are dead when we’ve lost self-awareness, lost consciousness of self.
1 John 2: 12  Stages of belief: little children, fathers, young men, teens.
This is our trek from the world to the mercy seat.

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May 1, 2017

May 1, 2017

2 Different meanings of deny
Matt 10: 32-33  First use is disavow
There are 2 ways to disavow, one way is to keep quiet about, the other is to speak out against as when Peter said he didn’t know Jesus 3 times.
Matt 16: 22-24  Have absolutely nothing to do with self, disown, divorce self.
Psalm 116: 1-10  If you believe, you will speak (about Christ to all in your world). Believe here does not mean intellectual assent, it means to lean only on Him, place yourself in His hands. To believe is to totally divorce oneself.
Phil. 3:7  To count all those things as a loss for Christ is an act of faith. We all try to find a gain to self in the scriptures (to justify self).
Get a divorce from self with no visiting privileges.
We can’t serve God and mammon, mammon is anything we’ve relied on in the past.
Repentance is the only thing that releases the power of God.

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April 28, 2017

April 28, 2017

Two meanings of the word “deny”
Matt 10: 16-33 To deny him is to think you exist. Most of the modern church is denying Christ. For us, it is our attempt to solve it without living by faith, whatever “it” may be. We are wired for self awareness and responsibility.
Husband and wife problem. If the husband “empties” self, he creates a vacuum and God will fill the vacuum. The husband can never be “right.”
At every issue, our minds will resurrect ourselves. Our minds will always deny him – the only choice is to repent.
Matt 10: 32-39  The bottom line is if we’re using our minds, we’re denying Him.
Discussion of the word “hope”.

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April 21, 2017

April 21, 2017

Preferring another’s interest
Psalm 34: 8-18  Contrite
Psalm 51: 1  Difference between iniquity, sin and transgression. The mind of Christ is emptying…the anti-Christ (instead of Christ) puts us back in the picture / Adam and Eve tried to rise up to God, they didn’t fall, they arose.
The word contrite is a superlative of the word broken
Isa 57: 10-21  In the New Testament, “hope” is always used with/about the resurrection
trust in me = trust only in me
Stumbling block – what is it? It is self awareness, self improvement, self-seeking
Who is the wicked one? It is us, our mind.

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April 20, 2017

April 20, 2017

Preferring another’s interest
Psalm 84: 1-12  Amiable, one finds true friends in houses of worship
Psalm 23: 1-6  “shall not want” is big
We bear his reproach outside the camp. We empty self and create a vacuum within…as opposed to our plan, etc.

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April 19, 2017

April 19, 2017

Phil 2:  Be of one accord and of one mind
Romans 12: 3-10 Prefer each other’s interests over your own.  Don’t fake it/ judging others is a serious matter and blocks love, blocks being of one mind
James 1: 1-11 Double minded man is unstable.  There are as many ideas of what double minded means as there are minds.

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