March 29, 2017

March 29, 2017

Gen 6:5
Gen 8: 21
Jer 17: 9-10  The heart is deceitful above all things
Romans 5:12-   The human race failed
Eph 1:15 –
“If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”

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March 27, 2017

March 27, 2017

A sheep gets lost one blade of grass at a time.  We nibble ourselves from a believer to a pagan.
Isa 53:6
Luke 16: 15  We legitimize self interest until we believe our interests are God’s interests.
Isa 45
1 Peter 4: 12-13  We organize our lives to not have any trials.
James 1:2
Romans 8:17
If you don’t believe you sin, that you are the chief of sinners, you can’t repent.

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March 23, 2017

March 23, 2017

1 John 2: 15  Love not the world
Luke 17: 20-21  The kingdom of God is in the earth, not on the earth.
Everything in the bible is universal.  It’s either true everywhere and always or nowhere and never.
If one died for all, then all are dead.

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March 22, 2017

March 22, 2017

Exchanging gods
Gal 2: 16-21
2 Peter 3: 1-14  What is a scoffer?
Rev 10: 6
Col 3:1-3  See the vanity of everything in the world system.
Isa 30: 1-2
Heb 3: 7  Christ is the sabbath (rest) and we are gone.

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March 21, 2017

March 21, 2017

7 Fundamentals, do we really believe them?
1.  Mark 8: 34  deny self
2.  John 3: 1-5  born again
3.  Matt 18: 3  be converted and become as a little child
4.  Matt 22: 37 – 40
5.  Mark 11: 20-26  forgiveness
6.  1 Peter 1: 18-23  the seed
7.  John 6:  eat His flesh/drink His blood

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March 17, 2017

March 17, 2017

Changing gods
1 Tim 1:15
Phil 3: 1-21

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March 16, 2017

March 16, 2017

“ax is laid to the root”
Matt 3: 1-12  There is no more human race
Isa 40: 3  High places and depressions in our minds obliterated; all flesh is grass/worthless.
Matt 3:12 –  The best we can be as humans is the chaff. Christ is the wheat.
All righteousness is fulfilled because, at his baptism, only the son of God arose out of the water.  We are in the same position as Christ, our baptism is our burial. It is the only way our god is exchanged for the true God. The same thing has to happen in us. Everything about us has to die.

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March 14, 2017

March 14, 2017

Changing Gods
Gen 3: 1-11  The bible is about us returning to innocence, blind dependence on the Father.
Gen 6: 5-6  When we eat something it becomes a part of us.
Gen 8: 20-21
Isa 30: 1-2
Isa 31: 1-2
Jer 17: 7-9
Eze 36: 16-33  We can only change gods if we live by faith.

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