September 28, 2016

September 28, 2016

James 5: 13
2 Tim. 2: 3;  2:9;  4:5;  4: 1-3
James 5:14
Gal. 2: 19-20
James 5: 14 – 18  v. 16 – we must confess our faults

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September 26, 2016

September 26, 2016

James 5: 10-13  Yom Kippur is sort of the completion of the counting of the Omer…i.e. coming out of what we think is good.
Ezek. 18: 20-40  Elijah slays the 450 prophets of Baal.
Joshua 24: 13  “You cannot serve the Lord…he will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins.”  This is no less true today.
Put away the flesh, see it as dead and buried, live by faith alone.

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September 23, 2016

September 23, 2016

“Taken captive by (the devil) at his will”
2 Timothy 2: 24-26  No one knows they’ve been taken captive by the devil.
Phil. 3:7  Our lives must conform to the scriptures. What is a gain to us is a loss for Christ.
The evidence we don’t know we’ve been taken captive is reluctance to repent.

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September 22, 2016

September 22, 2016

The Just
Habakkuk 2: 1-4  The just shall live by His faith…always refers to Messiah.
Discussion about repentance.
Genesis 32: 24-28
Once Jacob admitted his name, which meant “the way of the snake,” then there was true repentance. When we admit/confess that our being is the way of the snake then our name is changed to Ish-Ra-El, she who sees God.
Gen. 32: 29-31  Peniel (Face of God)  We have the Peniel body inside our brain.
Job 42: 1-6

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September 21, 2016

September 21, 2016

James 5:6
2 Tim. 2: 24-26
Matt. 13: 47-50 All died at the cross with Jesus and so there are only 2 left – Christ and Satan.
Jesus does not resist.
Acts 7: 49-52
Romans 3: 10-18  Description of the human race.  The test is, are we concerned with self or others.
Acts 3: 1-15  You have denied the just and desired a murderer.
Acts 22:6  When we continue in self for self, we are murdering the just one.

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September 20, 2016

September 20, 2016

James 5: 4-6; 7-10
Matt. 5: 10-12
Acts 7: 44
He doth not resist you – Jesus will not resist our will.
Wherever we are, He isn’t…we’ve condemned and killed the just one.
James 5:10
John 15: 18 – 16: 3
James 5:11

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September 16, 2016

September 16, 2016

James 4: 11-17
1 Peter 2: 1-3
If you think it, you’ve done it. If you have judged someone, it’s important to say it in our seder groups, to say openly even after we have repented so that it can benefit the body. All of us can benefit by saying / hearing what’s going on within us. Ole is strongly exhorting us to speak our judgments outloud.

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September 14, 2016

September 14, 2016

Isa. 29: 9
Eze. 33: 7-16  Do we see ourselves as watchmen? To love God is to lose sight of ourselves and our own. How do you lose sight of self?  You turn from self / repent / see your death.
Eze. 33: 30-31  With their mouth they show much love but with their heart they go after their covetousness.

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