August 9, 2016

August 9, 2016

What does it mean to be a believer?
Our thoughts, opinions are meaningless.
Romans 11: 33  –  12: 2
Luke 22: 28
Back to Romans 12: 1  Renewing of mind is only accomplished by emptying.  We are only in heavenly places by repentance.  Preaching of the cross is always repentance.
Phil. 2: 5-7
2 Cor. 10:  3-5  We do not war after the flesh – no more concern for self.
James 4: 1-4  A friend of the world is an enemy of God.

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August 8, 2016

August 8, 2016

Jeremiah 2:20  What does it mean to play the harlot?
Hosea 1: 1-3  God told Hosea to marry a harlot.  In each case, it shows us that we go elsewhere other than God for sustenance and satisfaction.  Waiting is the most difficult aspect of faith.
Isa. 30: 1-3  Woe to those who “go down to Egypt” without asking God first.
Isa. 30: 3-16  This is a heavy rebuke, one of the heaviest in the bible.

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August 5, 2016

August 5, 2016

The 3 rebukes
2 Kings 22 and 23:21-23  Josiah’s passover
Jeremiah 1: 1-19 ; 2: 1-20
We must all abandon our idolatry and see that this is speaking to us, not just to Israel of the past. They abandoned their love and went after idols.

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August 3, 2016

August 3, 2016

Ezra 4: 3-5  ;  12-24
Ezra 5: 1-17
Zerubbabel rebuilt the temple. We must remain faithful. We must put our temple back in order. We have rearranged it to benefit ourselves, a temple to the evil one. The Naos is the Holy Place. The altar of incense represents our thoughts.  Properly used they become prayers to God.
1 Cor. 6: 15-20
2 Cor. 6: 14-18
Rev. 20: 11  –  21:3  We are cells in the bride. The New Jerusalem has come down.
Gal. 4: 11-26

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August 2, 2016

August 2, 2016

1 Peter 1: 22-25 ;   2: 1-8

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August 1, 2016

August 1, 2016

Re-establishing the temple – now in us
Phil 2: 1-8
1 John 2:12
Haggai is the prophet of restoration

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July 29, 2016

July 29, 2016

Some things that cause contentment.
Matt. 6: 22-23
Isa. 50: 4-11  kindle our own sparks
Matt. 6: 24  The opposite of contentment is being careful
1 Cor. 10: 6-12  Never think you’ve arrived
Luke 22: 28
Heb. 13: 7-13
John 15: 18  –  16:3

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July 28, 2016

July 28, 2016

God’s contentment
Is God content with us?  Our contentment can be faked.
2 Samuel 7: 1-29
We know what it means to give importance to things in the world. See the emptiness and futility of everything in time and space. The true Israel no longer needs the praise of men.
Eze. 3: 16-21  We are called to warn the wicked in each person.

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