January 5, 2016

January 5, 2016

Phil. 3:18-19
James 4:1 Friendship with the world i.e. giving importance to anything in the world.
Gen. 3:1-11; 14 We’ve been eating dust but now only get our sustenance and satisfaction from God.
Matt 6:22-23
Acts 6:5 – 8:2

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January 4, 2016

January 4, 2016

Phil. 3:7-8 Suffered the loss of all things and count them but dung.
Come out of those things we think are good as well as bad.  Coming out of the 49 gates of impurity.
Phil. 3:9-17 The cross is an offence, it is the last thing understood (by believers).

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December 29, 2015

December 29, 2015


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December 28, 2015

December 28, 2015


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December 22, 2015

December 22, 2015

Work out your own salvation…
Suffering, being dead, what it means to deny him.
Romans 6:1-8
Colossians 2:4-23; 3:1-3 If we don’t warn, their blood will be on our hands / The world lives by optimism.
2 Cor. 11 – 33 Paul’s journey of suffering and persecution.
Phil. 3:1-21  Paul prays to be made conformable to his death.

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December 21, 2015

December 21, 2015

2 Timothy 2:1-13; 3:1-9  “…resurrection is past already.” This heresy is a cancer, very prevalent now, i.e. Christ is gone and must return for us to partake in the resurrection.
Romans 8:12-17
Phil 1:21-30
Isaiah 30:1-2

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December 18, 2015

December 18, 2015

To truly understand what it means for the garment to be spotted by the flesh produces fear and trembling.
2 Cor 10
Hebrews 3:7-19 – 4:11

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December 17, 2015

December 17, 2015

Work out your own salvation…
Ezekiel 3:16-20 Unless we warn anyone, their blood is on our head.
Ps 19:1-13 the great transgression
Matt 18:1-3
Gen. 3:1-3 We are converted from the fall.

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