Author Archives: admin

August 14, 2022 – 2 Samuel 2 – David anointed in Judah, but Ishbosheth rules in Israel

David is anointed king of Judah, while Saul’s son Ishbosheth is made king of Israel. Their conflicting reigns illustrate the internal spiritual struggle that takes place when we hear the gospel but “self” tries to maintain control. Notes on 2 … Continue reading

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August 7, 2022 – Observe the Fast of Ab

The destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple – first by the Babylonians in 587 B.C. and later by the Romans in 70 A.D. – are marked by Jews each year at the Fast of Ab. It is a time of … Continue reading

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July 31, 2022 – 2 Samuel 1 – David Learns of Saul’s Death

This begins the new book of 2 Samuel. When an Amalekite turns up in David’s camp, he brings news of the Israelite defeat and the death of Saul and Jonathan. He also gives David Saul’s crown and bracelet in an … Continue reading

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July 24, 2022 – 1 Samuel 31 – The Last Days of Saul

King Saul’s reign ends in tragedy as Israel’s army is routed by the Philistines, and Saul takes his own life under confusing circumstances. The body of Saul and his sons are desecrated and hung up in a Philistine city. The … Continue reading

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July 17, 2022 – The Fast of Tammuz

Zechariah 8:19 – “Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah … Continue reading

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July 10, 2022 – 1 Samuel 29 & 30 – David Remembers Who He Is

The Philistine leaders don’t trust David to join their invasion of Israel, so he and his men are sent back to Ziklag. They find a disaster – the Amalekites have burned their homes and captured their wives and children. In … Continue reading

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June 26, 2022 – 1 Samuel 28 – Saul and the Witch of Endor

When the Philistine army invades, Saul needs a word from God on what to do. But God is silent. So instead, Saul seeks out a medium, someone who can conjure up the dead. He asks her to summon the dead … Continue reading

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