Author Archives: admin

September 5, 2021 – 1 Samuel 5 – The Ark Plagues the Philistines

The Philistines get more than they bargained for when they captured the Ark. Their god Dagon is toppled, and a plague ravages their cities. Notes on 1 Samuel 5:1-12

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August 29, 2021 – 1 Samuel 4 – The Ark is Captured

Israel and the Philistines battle again, but this time the Ark is captured, and Eli’s sons are killed. When he hears the news, Eli himself falls backwards and dies, fulfilling Samuel’s prophecy. Notes for 1 Samuel 4:1-22

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August 22, 2021 – 1 Samuel 3 – The Call of Samuel

God wakes up Samuel and gives him a dire prophecy to deliver to Eli, describing the complete downfall of his house because of his negligence in restraining his sons’ corruption. Notes on 1 Samuel 3:1-21

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August 15, 2021 – 1 Samuel 2:12-36 – The Sons of Eli

The sons of Eli are revealed as the poster boys for religious fraud, false piety, victimization and lust. Their self-seeking is contrasted with the young Samuel, who “ministers to the Lord.” Notes on 1 Samuel 2:12-36

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August 8, 2021 – 1 Samuel 1:19-2:10 – The Birth of Samuel

God answers Hannah’s prayer, and she responds with a prophetic offering of thanksgiving that echoes through the rest of the scriptures. Notes on 1 Samuel 1:19 – 2:10

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August 1, 2021 – 1 Samuel 1:1-18 – Hannah’s Prayer

The Books of 1 & 2 Samuel focus on Samuel, both a priest and a prophet, and the rise of Saul and David. In the first chapter of 1 Samuel, Hannah is wracked by sorrow because she has no children … Continue reading

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July 25, 2021 – Judges 21 – Wives for the Benjamites

In the last chapter of the Book of Judges, the Israelite tribes realize that their rash vow and war of extermination against the Benjamites will eliminate an entire tribe. Their solution only leads to further bloodshed. Notes on Judges 21:1-25

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