Author Archives: admin

April 11, 2021 – Judges 13:1-25 – Samson’s Birth Foretold

The Angel of the Lord visits Samson’s parents, warning his mother that he would be a Nazarite from birth and would ‘begin’ to deliver Israel from the Philistines. Notes on Judges 13:1-25

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April 4, 2021 – Judges 12:1-15 – Jephthah, the Ephraimites and the “Shibboleth” test

Jephthah, challenged by the Ephraimites, defeats them. They reveal who they are by pronouncing the word “shibboeth.” Notes on Judges 12:1-15

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March 27, 2021 – Book of Esther – Celebrate Purim!

This feast is probably the original “morality play” with audience participation. A mysterious part of the Purim feast is the rabbinical command to drink enough wine so that you can’t distinguish between “Yay Mordechai!” and “Boo Haman!” Read our memo … Continue reading

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March 21, 2021 – Judges 11:1-40 – Jephthah’s foolish vow

Jephthah saves Israel from the Ammonites but his foolish vow has consequences for his daughter. Notes on Judges 11:1-40

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March 14, 2021 – Judges 10:1-18 – A Return to Idolatry

After 45 years of peace under two minor judges, Israel falls again into idolatry and is invaded by the children of Ammon. Notes on Judges 10:1-18

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March 7, 2021 – Judges 9:22-57 – The Fall of Abimelech

The prophecy of Jotham in his “Parable of the Trees” results in Abimelech and the men of Shechem destroying each other. Notes on Judges 9:22-57

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February 28, 2021 – Judges 9:1-21 – The Rise of Abimelech

Gideon’s son by a concubine, Abimelech, takes power by killing all but one of his 70 brothers. But his youngest brother Jotham delivers a prophecy of doom through a “Parable of the Trees.” Notes on Judges 9:1-21

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