Author Archives: admin

July 22, 2018 – Observe the Fast of Ab

No Torah Readings scheduled except for those concerning the Fast of Ab. The purpose of the fast is to consider our idolatry and repent, as the Jews did, lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem. See notes on the fast here.

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July 15, 2018 – Lev. 4:1-35 – The Sin Offering

Torah reading: Leviticus 4:1-35 – The Sin Offering Psalm 74 Haftarah: Ezekiel 18:4-17, 32 Notes on Leviticus 4 Notes on Psalm 74 Notes on Ezekiel 18:4-17, 32

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July 8, 2018 – Lev. 3:1 – 3:17 – The Peace Offering; Prohibition on Blood and Fat

Torah Reading: Leviticus 3:1 – 3:17 – The Peace Offering; Prohibition on Blood and Fat Psalm 73 (repeated from last week) Haftarah (repeated from last week): Micah 6:9-16 + 7:7-8 Isaiah 48:12-20 + 49:7 (repeated from last week) Notes on Leviticus 3:1 … Continue reading

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July 1, 2018 – Lev. 1:1 – 2:16 – Burnt Offerings and Meal Offerings

Torah Readings: Leviticus 1:1 – 2:16 – Burnt Offerings and Meal Offerings Psalm 73 Haftarah: Micah 6:9-16 + 7:7-8 Isaiah 48:12-20 + 49:7 Notes on Leviticus 1:1 – 2:16 The Burnt Offering / A Living Sacrifice Notes on Psalm 73 Notes … Continue reading

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June 24, 2018 – The Fast of Tammuz and the Fast of Ab

Zechariah 8:19 – Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah … Continue reading

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June 17, 2018 – Introduction to Leviticus

Read our brief Introduction to Leviticus Notes on The Law and Repentance Sunday, June 24, is the Fast of Tammuz. We start readings in Leviticus on July 1.

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June 10, 2018 – Ex. 39:33 – 40:38 – Tabernacle completed, Broken Tablets

Torah Reading: Exodus 39:33 – 40:38 – Tabernacle completed, Broken Tablets Psalm 72 Haftarah: Isaiah 33:20 – 34:4, 8 Isaiah 60:13-21 + 61:9 Notes on Exodus 39:33 – 40:38 Notes on Psalm 72 Notes on Isaiah 33:20 – 34:4, 8 Notes on Isaiah … Continue reading

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