Author Archives: admin

April 22, 2018 – Ex. 32:15 – 33:23 – The Tablets Broken

Torah Reading: Exodus 32:15 – 33:23 – The Tablets Broken Psalm 66 Haftarah: 2 Samuel 22:10-18, 51 Notes  on Exodus 32:15 – 33:23 Gregory of Nyssa on Moses’ Ascent and Discipleship Notes on Psalm 66 Notes on 2 Samuel 22:10-18, 51

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April 15, 2018 – Ex. 31:1 – 32:14 – The Calling of Bezaleel; The Golden Calf

Torah Reading: Exodus 31:1 – 32:14 – The Calling of Bezaleel; The Golden Calf Psalm 65 Haftarah: Isaiah 43:7-15, 21 Notes on Exodus 31:1 – 32:14 Notes on Psalm 65 Notes on Isaiah 43:7-15, 21

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April 8, 2018 – Ex. 30:1-38 – Altar of Incense, Redemption Money, Brass Laver, Anointing Oil & Incense

Torah Reading: Exodus 30:1-38 – Altar of Incense, Redemption Money, Brass Laver, Anointing Oil & Incense Psalm 64 Haftarah: Malachi 1:11 – 2:7 Notes on Exodus 30 More on the Laver Notes on Psalm 64 Notes on Malachi 1:11 – … Continue reading

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March 31-April 1 – Celebrate Passover!

We’ll be preparing for and celebrating Passover this week, so there is no regular Torah reading this Sunday. We’ll also postpone reading the Haftarah readings for Exodus 29 until next week. See our Passover memo here.

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March 25 – April 7, 2018 – Ex. 29:1-46 – Consecration of Priests

Torah reading: Exodus 29:1-46 – Consecration of Priests Psalm 63 Haftarah: Isaiah 61:6 – 62:5 Hosea 14:3-10 Joel 2:26-27 Notes for Exodus 29:1-46 Notes on Psalm 63 Notes on Isaiah 61:6 – 62:5, Hosea 14:3-10 and Joel 2:26-27

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March 18, 2018 – Ex. 27:20 – 28:43 – High Priest’s Garments

Torah Reading: Exodus 27:20 – 28:43 – High Priest’s Garments Psalm 62 Haftarah: Malachi 3:4-24 Hosea 14:7 – Joel 1:5 + 2:14 Jeremiah 11:16-20 + 12:1-3 + 15:15-16 Notes on Exodus 27:20 – 28:43 Notes on the Urim and Thummim Notes … Continue reading

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March 11, 2018 – Ex. 26:31 – 27:19 – The Brazen Altar and the Court

Torah Reading: Exodus 26:31 – 27:19 – The Brazen Altar and the Court Psalm 61 Haftarah: Ezekiel 16:10-19, 60 Notes on Exodus 26:31 – 27:19 Notes on Psalm 61 Notes on Ezekiel 16:10-19, 60

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