Author Archives: admin

January 29, 2017 – Gen. 19:1-38 – Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed

Torah Readings: Gen. 19:1-38 – Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed Psalm 14 Haftorah – Isaiah 17:14-18:7 + 19:25 Judges 19:16-24 + 20:27 Notes on Genesis 19:1-38 Notes on Psalm 14 Notes on Isaiah 17:14-18:7 + 19:25 Notes on Judges 19:16-24 + 20:27

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January 22, 2017 – Gen. 18:1-33 – Sarah laughs, Abraham pleads for Sodom

Torah Readings: Gen. 18:1-33 – Sarah laughs, Abraham pleads for Sodom Psalm 13 Haftarah – Isaiah 33:17-24 + 35:2 Malachi 3:18 – 4:6 (Malachi 3:18-24 in the Hebrew Bible) Notes on Genesis 18:1-33 Notes on Psalm 13 Notes on Isaiah 33:17-24 … Continue reading

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January 15, 2017 – Gen. 17:1-27 – Covenant of Circumcision

Torah Readings: Gen. 17:1-27 – Covenant of Circumcision; Abram becomes Abraham Psalm 12 Haftorah – Jeremiah 33:25 – 34:5 + 34:8-13 Isaiah 54:10 – 55:3 2 Kings 20:3-11 + 19 Notes on Gen. 17:1-27 Notes on Psalm 12 Notes on Jeremiah … Continue reading

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January 8, 2017 – Gen. 16:1-16 – Hagar & Ishmael

Torah Reading: Gen. 16:1-16 – Hagar & Ishmael Psalm 11, again Haftorah – Isaiah 40:10-18 + 21 + 31 Jeremiah 31:15-19 + 22-25 + 36 Notes on Gen. 16:1-16 The Patriarchs and Polygamy More on Hagar Notes on Isaiah 40:10-18 + … Continue reading

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January 1, 2017 – Gen. 15:1-21 – Abram’s Horror of Great Darkness, Covenant

Torah readings: Gen. 15:1-21 – Abram’s Horror of Great Darkness, Covenant Psalm 11 Isaiah 1:1-8 + 2:2-3 Notes on Gen. 15:1-21 Notes on Psalm 11 Notes on Isaiah 1:1-8 + 2:2-3

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December 25, 2016 – Christmas

No readings are scheduled for this week. Merry Christmas!  

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December 18, 2016 – Genesis 14:1-24 – Abram rescues Lot; meets Melchizedek

Torah Readings: Genesis 14:1-24 – Abram rescues Lot; meets Melchizedek Hanukkah celebration Psalm 10 Haftorah: Isaiah 41:2-5 + 8-13 Zechariah 9:10 – 10:1 + 12 Micah 4:11 – 5:6 Notes on Genesis 14 Notes on Psalm 10 Notes on Zechariah 9:10 … Continue reading

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