Author Archives: admin

April 8-9, 2023 – Celebrate Passover and the Resurrection!

The Passover was a major sacrifice, yet one distinct from all others. It did not originate in the Law, for it was instituted before the Law had been given or before the Covenant had been ratified by blood. It looked … Continue reading

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April 2, 2023 – Exodus 12:14-15 – Preparing for Passover: The Search for Leaven

The Jews were commanded to rid their homes of anything leavened before Passover, and eat only unleavened bread during Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Jesus expounded on the meaning of this symbol: “…beware of the leaven of the … Continue reading

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March 26, 2023 – 2 Samuel 18 – Absalom’s Defeat and Death

When the armies of Absalom and David clash, Absalom is defeated, and is ensnared in the branches of a tree by his hair. Despite David’s order to spare his life, Joab executes him. Absalom’s end remarkably mirrors that of another … Continue reading

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March 19, 2023 – 2 Samuel 17 – The Opposing Counsels of Ahithophel and Hushai

Absalom discards Ahithophel’s counsel in favor of the plan of Hushai. David’s spies are almost caught, but saved by a quick-thinking woman. Ahithophel, like Judas, commits suicide as the armies of David and Absalom face off east of the Jordan … Continue reading

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March 12, 2023 – 2 Samuel 16 – David Flees Jerusalem

David’s flight from the city of Jerusalem gives an opportunity to see who his real friends are. His weak position gives other enemies opportunity to direct their resentments at him. Old grievances come to the surface, and true loyalties are … Continue reading

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March 4, 2023 – Celebrate Purim!

Purim is observed a month before Passover, and the focus is simply reading the Book of Esther. This feast is probably the original “morality play” with audience participation. A mysterious part of the Purim feast is the rabbinical command to … Continue reading

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February 26, 2023 – 2 Samuel 15 – Absalom’s Conspiracy

Absalom works to garner support by being a populist “man of the people.” He launches his rebellion from Hebron, causing David to flee from Jerusalem. King David then finds out who his real friends are. Notes on 2 Samuel 15:1-37

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