Category Archives: Readings

October 22, 2017 – Ex. 4:18 – 6:1 – Moses confronts Pharaoh

Torah Reading: Exodus 4:18 – 6:1 – Moses confronts Pharaoh Psalm 44 Haftarah: Isaiah 55:12 – 56:8 2 Samuel 15:7-15, 37 Notes on Exodus 4:18 – 6:1 Notes on Psalm 44 Notes on Isaiah 55:12-56:8 (See also previous notes on eunuchs … Continue reading

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October 15, 2017 – Ex. 3:1 – 4:17 – Moses & the burning bush

Torah Reading: Exodus 3:1 – 4:17 – Moses & the burning bush Psalm 43 Haftarah: Isaiah 40:11-18, 21-22 Notes on Exodus 3:1 – 4:17 Notes on Psalm 43 Notes on Isaiah 40:11-18, 21-22

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October 8, 2017 – Ex. 1:1-2:25 – Moses’ birth and early life

Torah Reading: Exodus 1:1-2:25 – Moses’ birth and early life Psalm 42 Haftarah: Isaiah 27:6-13 + 28:1,5 Isaiah 62:2-9 + 63:7-9 Notes on Exodus 1:1-2:25 Notes on Psalm 42 Notes on Isaiah 27:6-13 + 28:1,5

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September 24, 2017 – Gen. 49:29 – 50:26 – Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Torah Reading:  Genesis 49:29 – 50:26 – Joseph Forgives His Brothers Psalm 41 Haftarah –  Zechariah 14:1-11 1 Samuel 9:1-10 Notes on Genesis 49:29 – 50:26 Shame & God’s Sovereignty Notes on Psalm 41

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September 17, 2017 – Gen. 49:1-28 – Jacob’s blessing and death

Torah Reading: Genesis 49:1-28 – Jacob’s blessing and death Observe Yom Kippur! Psalm 40 Haftarah – (1) Isaiah 43:22 – 44:2 + 6 (2) Isaiah 55:3-12 + 56:8 (3) Isaiah 48:12-20 + 49:13 Notes on Genesis 49:1-28 Notes on Psalm 40 … Continue reading

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September 10 – Gen. 48:1-22 – Rosh Hashanah – Jacob blesses Ephraim and Manasseh

Torah Reading: Genesis 48:1-22 – Jacob blesses Ephraim and Manasseh Psalm 39 Haftarah –  2 Kings 13:14-23 Notes on Genesis 48:1-22 Notes on Psalm 39 Notes on 2 Kings 13:14-23

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September 3, 2017 – Gen. 46:28 – 47:31 – Joseph deals with famine

Torah Reading: Genesis 46:28 – 47:31 – Joseph deals with famine Psalm 38 Haftorah – (1) Zechariah 10:6-12 + 11:4-11 (2) Hosea 10:11 -11:1 + 8-11 (3) Malachi 2:4-10 + 3:1-4 Notes on Genesis 46:28 – 47:31 Notes on Psalm 38 … Continue reading

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