Category Archives: Readings

March 12, 2023 – 2 Samuel 16 – David Flees Jerusalem

David’s flight from the city of Jerusalem gives an opportunity to see who his real friends are. His weak position gives other enemies opportunity to direct their resentments at him. Old grievances come to the surface, and true loyalties are … Continue reading

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February 26, 2023 – 2 Samuel 15 – Absalom’s Conspiracy

Absalom works to garner support by being a populist “man of the people.” He launches his rebellion from Hebron, causing David to flee from Jerusalem. King David then finds out who his real friends are. Notes on 2 Samuel 15:1-37

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February 19, 2023 – 2 Samuel 14 – Absalom Returns from Exile

Joab, King David’s general and advisor, sets up a ruse to play on David’s emotions and persuade him to bring his son Absalom back from exile. David finally agrees, but Absalom is still not reconciled, which nurtures a spirit of … Continue reading

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February 12, 2023 – 2 Samuel 13 – Amnon rapes Tamar

Nathan’s prophecy of judgment on David’s house continues as David’s son Amnon rapes his sister Tamar, which enrages her other brother Absalom and plants a seed of revenge and rebellion. Notes on 2 Samuel 13:1-39

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February 5, 2023 – 2 Samuel 12 – Nathan Confronts David

The prophet Nathan tells David a parable that is really an allegory for David’s adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah. David confesses and repents of his sin, and Psalm 51 describes the depth of his repentance. God forgives … Continue reading

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January 29, 2023 – 2 Samuel 11:1-27 – David and Bathsheba

King David’s moral failure with Bathsheba as well as his arranged murder of her husband Uriah, left a stain on his name, the kingdom and God’s Law. It gives us a picture of the progression of sin in our own … Continue reading

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January 22, 2023 – 2 Samuel 10 – War with the Ammonites

David’s offer of kindness to the Ammonite king is rejected and his ambassadors are humiliated. The Ammonites aided by the Syrians prepare for war. David’s general Joab’s exhortation to the troops (later quoted by Paul) is one we can apply … Continue reading

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