November 7, 2021 – 1 Samuel 9 – Saul is Chosen

Saul’s search from some missing donkeys brings him to the prophet Samuel, who has been told Saul will be the new king of Israel. Jewish tradition adds that Samuel then instructs Saul in the importance of humility.

Notes in 1 Samuel 9:1-27

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October 24, 2021 – 1 Samuel 8 – Israel Asks for a King

The people, disgruntled about Samuel’s sons’ activities as unjust judges and fearful of growing enemy threats, ask for a king to rule them.

Notes for 1 Samuel 8:1-22

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October 17, 2021 – 1 Samuel 7 – Samuel calls for repentance

Israel responds to Samuel’s call for repentance, and God delivers them from a Philistine attack. In gratitude, Samuel erects a “stone of help” to commemorate God’s deliverance.

Notes on 1 Samuel 7:1-17

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October 3, 2021 – Getting Ready for Tabernacles

The Feast of Tabernacles is a festival of light and joy. The spiritual meaning of the feast is expressed in a number of types – the booth, the ethrog and lulav, the lighting of the lamps, the water-and-wine-pouring ceremony, wearing of white garments, the 7-day Jewish wedding and the final eighth-day meal. Jesus fulfilled all these pictures.

Notes on The Feast of Tabernacles

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September 26, 2021 – Observe Yom Kippur!

The binding of Isaac is said to have occurred on Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement). The fast, which we will observe September 25-26, coincided with the sin offering offered for all Israel and the Kol Nidrei, the absolution of vows. Twin goats were chosen by lot, one for sacrifice and the other for release, bearing away the people’s guilt. It was the one time of the year that the high priest entered into the Temple’s Holy of Holies.

Jesus fulfilled this feast:
Hebrews 9:12 – “Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.”

Notes on Yom Kippur

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September 19, 2021 – Celebrate Rosh Hashanah!

Also called the “Feast of Trumpets,” Rosh Hashanah marks the creation of the world and of the new year. Scholars have pinpointed this as the time of year when Christ was born; and it represents the new birth of believers, too. The feast begins the 10-day period called The Days of Awe, a time of self-reflection and repentance, ending with Yom Kippur.

Notes on Rosh Hashanah

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September 12, 2021 – 1 Samuel 6 – The Philistines Return the Ark

With plague ravaging their land, the Philistine soothe-sayers recommend a way to return the Ark to Israel, which will determine whether the plague was from the hand of God, or merely chance. They include a box containing a very strange trespass offering.

Notes on 1 Samuel 6:1-21

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