August 9, 2020 – Joshua 6:1-27 – The Destruction of Jericho

Israel circles the city of Jericho blowing the shofar. It’s walls fall flat, the city is destroyed, and Rahab and her family are rescued.

Notes on Joshua 6:1-27

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August 2, 2020 – Joshua 5:1-15 – Israel is Circumcised and Celebrates Passover

The new generation is circumcised, they celebrate the first Passover in the Promised Land, and Joshua meets the mysterious Captain of the Lord’s Host.

Notes on Joshua 5:1-15

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July 26, 2020 – Joshua 4:1-24 – Two Sets of Twelve Stones

At the crossing of the Jordan River, Joshua commands that 12 stones be pulled from the river and set up at Gilgal as a sign and a memorial to the miracle. Twelve other stones were deposited in the river as a warning.

Notes on Joshua 4:1-24

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July 19, 2020 – Joshua 3:1-17 – Crossing the Jordan

Departing from Shittim, the Ark of the Covenant, carried by priests, would lead the way for the Children of Israel to cross the Jordan River on dry ground.

Notes on Joshua 3:1-17 – Crossing the Jordan

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July 12, 2020 – Joshua 2:1-24 – Rahab Hides the Spies

In this episode of Joshua, the harlot Rahab hides the spies and lets them down outside the walls with a scarlet cord.

Notes on Joshua 2:1-24

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July 5, 2020 – Joshua 1:10-18 – Can Joshua Fill Moses’ Sandals?

Joshua succeeds Moses because of his humility and loyalty. But Joshua’s weaknesses, according to the rabbis, had to be overcome. In some areas, Joshua would even exceed Moses.

Notes on Joshua 1:10-18

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June 28, 2020 – Joshua 1:1-9 – A New Leader

The first of the historical books is Joshua.

Joshua appears early on as Moses’ sentry at the base of Mount Sinai during the Golden calf incident (Exodus 32). He also has an important role as one of the 12 spies sent into the land of Canaan, and one of only two who came back with positive reports about the land (Numbers 13-14)

Finally, after Moses strikes the rock and loses his right to enter the Land of Israel (Numbers 20), Joshua is designated the next leader of the Israelites. And it is under Joshua’s leadership that they enter the land of Canaan.

Notes on Joshua 1:1-9

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