
The eight-day feast of Hanukkah, a festival of lights, occurs in the darkest time of year. It commemorates the rededication of the Temple in 165 B.C. after it was cleansed by Judas Maccabeus when the Jews prevailed against the Seleucid Greeks of Syria.

When the special oil for the Temple lampstand could not be obtained in time, Judas Maccabeus took a step of faith (and a risk) by lighting the lamp with only one day’s supply of oil. It burned miraculously for eight days until the extra oil arrived.

Many scholars place the time of Mary’s annunciation and the conception of Christ (rather than his birth) at this time of year, and the festival contains numerous types and foreshadowings of Christ’s coming.

Read our Notes on Hanukkah here

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December 9, 2018 – Lev. 26:3 – 26:13 – Blessings for Obedience

Torah Reading: Leviticus 26:3–13 – Blessings for Obedience

Psalm 89:16-19
Haftarah: Isaiah 1:19-20, 24-28, 31 + 2:1,5

Notes on Leviticus 26:3–13

Notes on Psalm 89:16-19

Notes on Isaiah 1:19-20, 24-28, 31 + 2:1,5

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December 2, 2018 – Lev. 25:35 – 26:2 – Treatment and Redemption of Slaves

Torah readings: Leviticus 25:35 – 26:2 – Treatment and Redemption of Slaves

Psalm 89:6-15
Haftarah: Isaiah 35:3-10
Ezekiel 18:17-23, 30-32

Notes on Leviticus 25:35 – 26:2

Contentment vs Covetousness

Notes on Psalm 89:6-15 (5-14)

Notes on Isaiah 35:3-10 and Ezekiel 18:17-23, 30-32

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November 25, 2018 – Lev. 25:1-34 – Sabbatical and Jubilee Years

Torah Reading: Leviticus 25:1-34 – Sabbatical and Jubilee Years

Psalm 89:1-5
Haftarah: Isaiah 24:2-8, 13-15
Ezekiel 18:7-14, 31-32

Notes on Leviticus 25:1-34

Jesus, Economics and the Jubilee Year

Notes on Psalm 89:1-5

Notes on Isaiah 24:2-8, 13-15 and Ezekiel 18:7-14, 31-32

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November 18, 2018 – Lev. 24:1–23 – Menorah, showbread, and blasphemy

Torah Reading: Leviticus 24:1–23 (25:13) – Menorah, showbread, and blasphemy

[Although it’s listed as part of this week’s reading, we will study Leviticus 25:1-13 with the rest of the passages regarding the sabbatical and jubilee years next week]

Psalm 88
Haftarah: Hosea 14:7 – Joel 1:5, 14 + 2:4
Jeremiah 11:16 – 12:2 + 15:15-16

Notes on Leviticus 24:1–23

Notes on Psalm 88

Notes on Hosea 14:7 – Joel 1:5, 14 + 2:4 (2:14)
Jeremiah 11:16 – 12:2 + 15:15-16

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November 11, 2018 – Lev. 23:1–44 – The Feasts of the Lord

Torah Reading: Leviticus 23:1–44 – The Feasts of the Lord

Psalm 87
Haftarah: Joshua 5:11 – 6:4, 27

Notes on Leviticus 23:1–44

Notes on Psalm 87

Notes on Joshua 5:11 – 6:4, 27

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November 4, 2018 – Lev. 22:17–33 – Unblemished Offerings

Torah Reading: Leviticus 22:17–33 – Unblemished Offerings

Psalm 86
Haftarah: Isaiah 56:7-11 + 57:15-19

Notes on Leviticus 22:17–33

Notes on Psalm 86

Notes on Isaiah 56:7-11 + 57:15-19

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