June 3, 2018 – Ex. 38:21 – 39:32 – Precious metals and the Tabernacle of Testimony

Torah Readings: Exodus 38:21 – 39:32 – Precious metals and the Tabernacle of Testimony

Psalm 71
Haftarah: Jeremiah 30:18-25 + 31:7-8, 37-39
Isaiah 32:18 – 33:6,20

Notes on Exodus 38:21 – 39:32

Notes on Psalm 71

Notes on Isaiah 32:18 – 33:6,20

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May 27, 2018 – Ex. 37:1 – 38:20 – Making The Tabernacle, Mirrors in the Laver

Torah reading: Exodus 37:1 – 38:20 – Making The Tabernacle, Mirrors in the Laver

Psalm 70
Haftarah: 1 Kings 8:8-15, 21-22
Isaiah 41:19-27 + 42:21

Notes on Exodus 37:1 – 38:20

Notes on Psalm 70

Notes on Isaiah 41:19-27 + 42:21

Notes on 1 Kings 8:8-15, 21-22

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May 20, 2018 – Ex. 35:30 – 36:38 – Making the Tabernacle

Torah Reading: Exodus 35:30 – 36:38 – Making the Tabernacle

Psalm 69
Haftarah: Isaiah 55:13 – 56:8 + 57:15

Notes on Exodus 35:30 – 36:38

Notes on Psalm 69

Notes on Isaiah 55:13 – 56:8 + 57:15

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May 13, 2018 – Ex. 34:27 – 35:29 – Moses’ Face Shines, Freewill Offering

Torah Reading: Exodus 34:27 – 35:29 – Moses’ Face Shines, Freewill Offering

Psalm 68
Haftarah: Jeremiah 31:32-39 + 32:40-41

Notes on Exodus 34:27 – 35:29

Notes on Psalm 68

Jesus and the Ten Commandments

Notes on Jeremiah 31:32-39 + 32:40-41


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May 6, 2018 – Celebrate Pentecost!

The Holy Spirit was poured out on Jesus’ disciples on the Jewish feast of Pentecost, celebrated on the 50th day after Passover. According to Jewish tradition, this was also the day God gave the Ten Commandments to his people. Mount Sinai was the shadow. Pentecost is the reality for us. The law is now written on our hearts (Jeremiah 31:33). The Holy Spirit dwells within us. Pentecost is also associated with baptism: “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” (Acts 2:38).

Read the Pentecost memo here.

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April 29, 2018 – Ex. 34:1-26 – New Tablets, Festivals given

Torah Reading: Exodus 34:1-26 – New Tablets, Festivals given

Psalm 67
Haftarah: Habakkuk 2:2-8, 18-20

Notes on Exodus 34

Notes on Psalm 67

Notes on Habakkuk 2:2-8, 18-20

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April 22, 2018 – Ex. 32:15 – 33:23 – The Tablets Broken

Torah Reading: Exodus 32:15 – 33:23 – The Tablets Broken

Psalm 66
Haftarah: 2 Samuel 22:10-18, 51

Notes  on Exodus 32:15 – 33:23

Gregory of Nyssa on Moses’ Ascent and Discipleship

Notes on Psalm 66

Notes on 2 Samuel 22:10-18, 51

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