July 20, 2016

July 20, 2016

2 Cor. 4: 3-6
Num. 13: 20
We must exhort daily re: slander and talebearing
Ex. 17: 1-8 Per the Midrash, Amalek was like a strap reserved for punishment to Israel.  Our minds are like Amalek.  Just as with leprosy, we are not clean until we become (see ourselves) as totally leprous.
Num. 13: 29
Lev. 19: 16
Proverbs 11:13 ; 20:19 ; 18:8 ; 26:20
Jer. 6:28 ; 9:4
Eze. 22:9
Ps. 31:13
Prov. 18
Ps. 101:5
2 Sam. 19
Ps. 16:28

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