June 5, 2017

June 5, 2017

John 6: 26  When we try to understand the bible with our mind, we are eating worm-eaten, corrupted manna of the mind.
Exodus 15: 22-25 Moses case a tree (the cross) into the bitter waters of Mara and they became sweet
Exodus 16: 1-8 The manna satisfied all desire but when there was/is idolatry, it became bitter.
Murmuring is anything but perfect peace.
We have to come to the point of living by faith alone. Huge contrast between the manna from heaven vs. the manna of the mind.
Exodus 16: 12-22
Matt 6: 19-21 Only way to lay up treasure in heaven is to not give importance to earthly things.
Col 2:20 – 3:24
Matt 6:22

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