April 25, 2018

April 25, 2018

Acts 5: 33 – 42
Psalm 94: 1 – 23  If we see that there is a resurrection, we still try to keep ourselves alive
Psalm 95: 1 – 11
Hebrews 3: 1 – 11; 12 – 19  “unbelief” means we are still relying on our own ability, our own effort in some way or another
The process of being “chosen” of going from being “called” to being “chosen” is the complete emptying of self

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April 23, 2018

April 23, 2018

Acts 4: 25  When Christ is just an add-on to our lives, it’s worse in some ways.
Acts 4: 31 – 37  People came back to get their debts annulled and their land back but what they found was far greater, Christ.
Acts 5: 1 – 11  Ananias and Sapphira  All they had to say was, we decided to keep part of it back but they kept quiet and God killed them
v. 12   signs and wonders, because they were persecuted
v. 16    they were healed every one
v. 18 – 32  There are only two theologies in all forms of thought: the theology of glory and the theology of the cross. The theology of glory is trying to get stuff from God.
Our minds can’t be fixed. We must be buried, buried in baptism

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April 20, 2018

April 20, 2018

Luke 3: 1 – 2  Annas and Caiaphas were high priests simultaneously
Acts 4: 5 – 22
There must come a time for us, if we have heard and seen, to speak, to declare.
1 Jn 1: 1 – 4
Acts 4: 23 – 30
Psalm 2: 1 – 12  “people imagine a vain thing”  It’s what people do, all our imaginations are vain.  There must be repentance.
The only marriage that can make anyone feel complete is the marriage of Christ and the bride.

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April 18, 2018

April 18, 2018

Ole talks about martyrdom of early believers
Acts 2: 44 – 47
Acts 3: 1 – 10  The guy was healed instantly
We’ve become insular.
Acts 3: 11 – 14  Christ was a threat to every value system.  We would have all yelled crucify him.
Acts 3: 14 – 26
Acts 4: 1 – 12  Peter and John arrested

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April 17, 2018

April 17, 2018

Acts 12: 38 – 40
Num 9: 15 – 23  How do we know whether or not the Holy Spirit is guiding us?
Acts 2: 41 – 47   This was the Jubilee year because the rumor had spread that the Messiah had come. Many returned to Jerusalem to see if this was true.
Daniel 9: 15 – 19  Daniel was in supplication. He was called beloved only because of his supplication.
Daniel 9: 21 – 24  70 weeks
Acts 2: 45  They sold their possessions and continued in communal style. Everybody sold what they had if there was a need.
This was the first wave of Christianity.  Second wave of Christianity was Luther.  It’s time for the third wave of Christianity.

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April 12, 2018

April 12, 2018

Book of Acts
Counting of the Omer – Jesus changed it and it became coming out of what we think is good.
Luke and Acts were all one book.
Acts 16, Acts 16: 9 – 17, Acts 20: 5 – 21, Acts 21: 18, Acts 27: 1 – 8, Acts 28: 16
Luke gave up his career as a doctor and traveled with Paul as his companion.
The disciples had emptied themselves of everything and thus were weak and empty on the day of Pentecost. The only way Pentecost can happen in us is if we have emptied ourselves.

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April 10, 2018

April 10, 2018

John 21: 1 – 25   The disciples weren’t just going for a quick fishing excursion, they were returning to their lives as fishermen, their vocation.
They didn’t recognize Jesus each time. Would we have recognized him?
We don’t recognize him, we must look past the surface in each other.
All of the disciples had touched a dead body. We do that when we give importance to ourselves.

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April 5, 2018

April 5, 2018

Still looking at what happened after the resurrection.
Mark 16: 9 – 14  Mary Magdalene was the first to believe in him, because she was forgiven the most.
Isa 61: 1 – 3
Luke 4: 16   Jesus was called up to read
Poor is the state of seeing there is nothing of value in the world. No one else will hear.
Jesus Christ was the last Adam. He is only risen in us at our death.
James 4: 4 – 5   God’s desire to reveal the bride is everything. It’s not about personal salvation, revelation. The body of or FOR Christ is the bride / church.
Self realization is “evil” realization. It’s realization of the evil one (Satan).
Jude 22 – 23  The only way to have compassion

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