February 9, 2017

February 9, 2017

Romans 6:4 baptized into His death
1 Cor 12: 12-14 Baptized into one body. The ego does not want to die. The poor are the only ones who hear.
1 Cor 12:12

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February 8, 2017

February 8, 2017

Jesus’s first sermon.
Luke 4:16 – He was sent to preach the gospel to the poor. Baptism has to include something new in your life –i.e. your previous life is over.
Romans 5:17-21  By one man sin entered
Gen 3: 1-6
Matt 18: 1
Romans 6:1-
Sanctification is continuing with Christ in his temptation.

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February 7, 2017

February 7, 2017

An explosion, a shattering
Rev 10: 1-6
2 Cor 5:14
Romans 6: 1-
Phil 3: 7-21
Gal 2:20
Col 2:20  –  3:5

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February 2, 2017

February 2, 2017

2 Cor 5:14  The human race died on the cross.
Rev 13:3  The evil one’s deadly head wound was healed and allowed him to be the antagonist within our minds so that we could be tested as Christ was after his baptism.
666 is the number of man. We can never be at peace.
Rev 13:8  If we’re living by faith we’re no longer “dwelling on the earth.”
It’s not a philosophy, the human race is dead. Your life has been a joke.

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February 1, 2017

February 1, 2017

1 Cor 1: 18-21  Preaching about the cross cannot just be historical, must be made personal
John 15: 18 –  The prophets found out they were sin and then they “saw” Christ. Sin is who we are.
John 16:9  To believe on him is total dependency, living by faith alone, 100% belief on Him. To believe only on him means you understand your death is complete.
1 Cor 1:18  The Holy Spirit isn’t going to convict us of anything if we think we’re right.

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January 31, 2017

January 31, 2017

Heidelberg Disputation; theology of the cross vs. the theology of glory
1 Cor 1: 18-21
Luke 16: 15
2 Cor 2: 14-17
What is the world? What is conformed to the world?
Romans 12: 1-2  Our minds are our mortal enemy, i.e. the mortal enemy of Christ. The theology of the cross comes against the things we value, the things we think are good.

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January 27, 2017

January 27, 2017


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January 26, 2017

January 26, 2017

How was Israel guided?
Numbers 9:15 The cloud represents our doubt, meaning when we have more than one option, we wait.
We learn by dying daily.
1 Cor 1: 18-29

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