January 25, 2017

January 25, 2017

Matt 23:24-29 The cross is the enemy of believers who continue in the world.
Phil 3: 7-21 The only means of knowing the power of His resurrection is by being made conformable to His death.

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January 24, 2017

January 24, 2017

Matt 27
Phil 3:7 – 10
Christ didn’t come to give us anything but rather to take away everything.
Matt 27:46
The theology of glory is constantly trying to slip in as opposed to the theology of the cross.
We must reach that point of asking the same, “My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?”

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January 23, 2017

January 23, 2017

Heb 10:9 –  v18 no more offering for sin, i.e. nothing more can be done save repentance
Eph 2: 11-13 The predicate of first century Christianity was their death, they were a threat to everybody, to those who worshipped Caesar.
Eph 2:1
Heb 5:10 – 6:6
Heb 10:22-30

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January 20, 2017

January 20, 2017

Luke 24: 1-32
The gospel must be as a bomb internally going off.
Friendship with the world is enmity with God.

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January 19, 2017

January 19, 2017

Martin Luther, the illusion of free will.
Our illusion of free will must go.

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January 18, 2017

January 18, 2017

Heb 9:19 v22 without bloodshed, there is no purging of sin or no remission
Matt 13: 17-23
John 2: 15-17
Eph 2: 1-8

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January 17, 2017

January 17, 2017

Ole reads how society viewed fatherhood.  In ancient times, the father owned his family and could treat his family as property. He could use each family member as he saw fit to advance or help the family.
Family members had no rights. We call no man on earth Father, but we have no rights as believers, as children of our heavenly Father. Christianity today teaches that we have rights, especially the prosperity gospel. It’s the opposite of the mystery of God.

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January 16, 2017

January 16, 2017

Luke 21: 17-19
Heb 10: 35-39 v36, need of patience…that, after you have done the will of God you might receive the promise
Gal 2:16  cause and effect is the law, it is religion – it has nothing to do with faith. We live by faith alone.
Luke 2: 8-14
Luke 21: 19

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