September 12, 2018

September 12, 2018

Isaiah takes us from the beginning of our belief to the new Jerusalem
Isa 60: 1
There must be the fear of the Lord before anything can begin
v. 11 The gates are open continually in the new Jerusalem
God can’t use us unless we fail and don’t want to go back.
Prosperity gospel is the fastest growing movement in the world. It is trying to save the flesh.
Isa 60: 13  about the cedars of Lebanon
We must be born again.
Once we leave time, even for a moment, we’ll never be satisfied with anything else.
Isa 60: 1 – 22

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September 11, 2018

September 11, 2018

Still reading the 7 of consolation
Isa 51: 12 – 52:1
Psalm 48: 1 – 2  Talking about the new Jerusalem and the mystery of God
We can only attain the mystery of God by revelation
We always have to place our suffering back on God.
Isa 52: 1 – 15

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September 6, 2018

September 6, 2018

7 of consolation
Isa 54: 1 – 17  You die, he lives.
Everything we are about is the mystery of the bride.
We put Christ in the deepest part of our internal dungeon when we try to keep self alive.
We always should take the lowest seat and never justify ourselves.
Luke 16: 10 – 15
Isa 54: 14 – 17
Isa 55: 1 – 13
Jesus could have snapped his fingers and fixed / eliminated suffering. The wilderness time prepared Christ to understand his mission – to understand his baptism…his burial / our burial as well.
Malachi 3: 16 – 18  The Lord’s shema.
Man eats dust, diamonds, riches, all is dust.

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September 5, 2018

September 5, 2018

Isa 49: 13 – 23, 24 – 26
Isa 50: 1 – 11; 51: 1 – 3

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August 29, 2018

August 29, 2018

The 3 of rebuke and 7 of consolation
When the day of Pentecost is come all the feasts are fulfilled.
Hanukkah wasn’t celebrated until a time of God’s choosing to reveal Christ.
Jeremiah 1

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August 28, 2018

August 28, 2018

Joel 1: 13 – 2: 17
God requires our repentance from going our own way.
Josiah repented when the law was read because they had been going their own way, building their own houses, etc. Manassah erected two golden calves in the temple – they’re doubling their own idea of self realization.
We don’t understand that if one died for all, all are dead…we died at the cross. You can’t see self as dead when you think there is something about self that is good.

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August 21, 2018

August 21, 2018

Heb 3: 15 – 19
Heb 4: 1 – 11
Gen. 32: 24 – 32 Jacob wrestled with the angel, the angel was Christ. His entire life changed to being part of the bride.
Eze 3: 16 – 19  Warning others is the role of all believers
We will be hated of all men when we preach the cross, we come against all forms of thought.
It’s only rest because we died. We can’t see God and live. The only way this works in our lives is the fear of God.

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August 15, 2018

August 15, 2018

Mark 13: 1 – 14
v. 6 – Means people claiming to be Christ but also means that some will agree he is the Christ but without understanding.
The abomination of desolation is our mind.
Daniel 9: 20 – 27  All was finished on the cross.
Transgression / sin / iniquity / righteousness etc.  Seeing the abomination of desolation is seeing we are the anti-Christ. One cannot participate in the end of days unless we have dealt with this internal abomination.
2 Thess 2: 6 – 8  The mystery of iniquity is our mind. We must become poor in our mind.

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