November 12, 2017 – Ex. 8:16 – 9:35 – More plagues descend on Egypt

Torah Reading: Exodus 8:16 – 9:35 – More plagues descend on Egypt

Psalm 47
Haftarah: Isaiah 34:11 – 35:2, 10
1 Samuel 12:7-16

Notes on Exodus 8:16 – 9:35

Notes on Psalm 47

Notes on Isaiah 34:11 – 35:2, 10

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November 5, 2017 – Ex. 7:8 -8:15 – Plagues of blood and frogs

Torah Reading: Exodus 7:8 -8:15 – Plagues of blood and frogs

Psalm 46
Haftarah: Joel 3:3 – 4:6, 16

Notes on Exodus 7:8 -8:15

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October 29, 2017 – Ex. 6:2 – 7:7 – Moses’ Weakness and Pharaoh’s Hard Heart

Torah Reading: Exodus 6:2 – 7:7 – Moses’ Weakness and Pharaoh’s Hard Heart
Psalm 45
Haftarah: Isaiah 42:8-16, 21
Isaiah 52:6-13 + 53:4-5

Notes on Exodus 6:2 – 7:7

Notes on Psalm 45

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October 22, 2017 – Ex. 4:18 – 6:1 – Moses confronts Pharaoh

Torah Reading: Exodus 4:18 – 6:1 – Moses confronts Pharaoh
Psalm 44
Haftarah: Isaiah 55:12 – 56:8
2 Samuel 15:7-15, 37

Notes on Exodus 4:18 – 6:1

Notes on Psalm 44

Notes on Isaiah 55:12-56:8

(See also previous notes on eunuchs here)

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October 15, 2017 – Ex. 3:1 – 4:17 – Moses & the burning bush

Torah Reading: Exodus 3:1 – 4:17 – Moses & the burning bush
Psalm 43
Haftarah: Isaiah 40:11-18, 21-22

Notes on Exodus 3:1 – 4:17

Notes on Psalm 43

Notes on Isaiah 40:11-18, 21-22

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October 8, 2017 – Ex. 1:1-2:25 – Moses’ birth and early life

Torah Reading: Exodus 1:1-2:25 – Moses’ birth and early life

Psalm 42
Haftarah: Isaiah 27:6-13 + 28:1,5
Isaiah 62:2-9 + 63:7-9

Notes on Exodus 1:1-2:25

Notes on Psalm 42

Notes on Isaiah 27:6-13 + 28:1,5

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Feast of Tabernacles

We’re celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles on Saturday, September 30!

The Hebrew word for Tabernacles is “sukkah” which originally meant “woven” and applied to the branches woven together to make simple shelters. Israel was commanded to dwell in booths like this for seven days. The booth reflects the fragility, precariousness and impermanence of life in this world.

The Talmud relates that in the end of days, “all the nations of the world will express a desire to repent, and God will judge them through the commandment of building a sukkah… He will give this single commandment to the entire world to fulfill.” (BT Avoda Zara 3)

Jesus used the venue feast to announce Himself as the Light of the World, and as the Living Water necessary for salvation.

Read our memo on the feast here.

Notes on the Booth and the Pillar of Cloud

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