July 18, 2013 – Luke 11:42-44

July 18, 2013 – Luke 11:42-44

Rev. 18:1-10 Alas, alas=woe

Market–any assembly scribes- sat in court transcribing; wrote up records for transactions Acts 19:23-41— townclerk=scribe

graves=sepulchre, monument, memorial

if you are aware that you are unclean, then you can go through process of becoming clean, but if you are unaware that you have touched a dead body (self) so there was no cleansing. The same is true with us.

After the resurrection Jesus charged them to go to Jerusalem and gave them time to go through cleansing process.

I John 5:1-8—three in heaven and three in earth Father. Son, Holy Spirit=water, blood, spirit

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