July 19, 2013 – Luke 11:44-46

July 19, 2013 – Luke 11:44-46

Hard to distinguish between lawyers, scribes; in this scripture they were Pharisees, which is basically a political party, and lawyers, scribes are descriptions of their profession; they could also be Saduccees. They have knowledge but can’t see.

Luke 5:16-17 Luke 5:21 Acts 5:34-39 Gamaliel–doctor of law and Pharisee

reproach I Tim.3:1-2; 5:1-7; 6:11-14 bishop is overseer of two or more seders; not a title; it’s a position. blameless = w/o reproach unrebukable = w/o reproach

I Th. 4:13-16 II Pet. 3:10-14

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