August 7, 2017

August 7, 2017

Exchanging Gods – all our lives we’ve worshiped ourselves.
Joshua 7: 5-21  What was the sin of Achan?
Joshua 7: 19-26  All Israel stoned him with stones.
1 Cor 15:41  Jesus is the last Adam.

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August 4, 2017

August 4, 2017

Genesis 6:5 Thoughts of man’s heart are always evil.
Jer 17: 7 The heart of man is deceitful above all things, desperately wicked.
Isa 30: 1-3 The mind is wicked above all things. We are still seduced by wanting to know good and evil. The mind of Christ, he didn’t come so we could all be friends. There must be an exchange of minds.
Isa 31: 1 Woe to those who go down to Egypt.
Ezekiel 36:16  He is sanctified in you when you live by faith.  God doesn’t overcome us, except at the end, we must empty. We are the temple.

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August 2, 2017

August 2, 2017

Romans 12:1  Present yourselves a living sacrifice
1 Cor 6: 9-20  Fornication is going anywhere else but to God for our sustenance and satisfaction
Eph 2: 1-10
Col 2: 20 – 3:11 If our life isn’t manifesting the cross…What is esteemed among men is an abomination to God. Are we esteeming what the human race esteems?
Rev 12: 7-9  Satan’s angels are us.

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August 1, 2017

August 1, 2017

“Changing Gods”
Romans 8:1 There is no condemnation to them that are IN Christ Jesus. It doesn’t say those whom Christ is in…massive difference.
1 John 2:15 We are on a trek to being “in him.” We replace the evil one as us to him as us – continue in him in his temptation, active abandonment. God can’t occupy where you are.
John 16:1 What is the Holy  Spirit doing?
The problem with Christianity is folks think they’ve arrived. As long as this is the case, it’s sure they haven’t.
James 4:4 If we are a friend of the world, the love is God is not in us.
Col 1:12-17 By him (Jesus) all things exist. The purpose of the world is the test to see whether we’ll give importance to the things of the world. Repentance opens the door to God.

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July 31, 2017

July 31, 2017

Exchanging Gods
Col 1: 23-29
Col 3: 1-8 We “find the life of our own hand” (Isaiah) when we lean on our own understanding. When there are options, we ignore faith.
Children of disobedience are believers who have turned back to self. Most believers simply put the name of God on their flesh.
Romans 5: 10-13  v. 10 is the exchange of Gods. The only way is our death.
Romans 6:1  3 Graces in all men.  Covetousness is idolatry.

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July 25, 2017

July 25, 2017

Seething blood
Matt 25  The Seven Woes  We are the Pharisees
2 Chronicles 24:17
Ecc 3:16  In the place of justice, wickedness is there. They slew righteous Zechariah and did not cover the blood. For 252 years the blood seethed.

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July 24, 2017

July 24, 2017

Philippians 4:8
Things to think on: that which does not change with time or space; pure, not carnal; acceptable to God
Matt 6: 22 The eye is the lamp of the body
If your eye is evil (have work to do)
Our normal, carnal thoughts are not of God.
Living in the moment

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July 21, 2017

July 21, 2017

Life is in the Blood
The virgin birth produces the blood of God in Mary’s womb.
All ancient cultures had a blood covenant.
Communion – we alive by his flesh and blood. God will act towards us as he would his own flesh because of the blood of Jesus.
Genesis 17: 5  God changed Abram’s name
Gen 32: 24 God changed Jacob’s name
That is the mystery of the blood, we have to come to the end of ourselves.

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