June 26, 2017

June 26, 2017

Observe to do
Deut 8: 1-10  Obedience is different than we think, it’s to do what God wants without him telling us. We can’t come to him as us, we can only come to him as a dead person. Has to do with observing to do. Abandonment of self is the essence of humility. If we know what we are going to do, there is no humility.
Phil 1: 27 – 2: –   Never can one of us think we’ve arrived. If we think that, then we haven’t.
Empty = a clear channel between you/us and the Father.
Only the son of God is resurrected in us/ the evil one tries to keep us in the picture.

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June 22, 2017

June 22, 2017

Rev 13: 11 The first beast = man’s mind, now the religious beast still worships the mind. John was seeing an overview of time and space as he wrote Revelation. Neither regular nor believing mind can be fixed.
Matt 5: 13 All sacrifices must be seasoned with salt, i.e. the component of eternity. Salt loses savor, i.e. doesn’t consider timelessness.
Matt 6: 22-24
Eccl 3: 1-15  Journey from the world to the mercy seat (our soul) we get there by repentance, by seeing everything in time is worthless. This famous passage is a description of the trip our soul is on from the world to the mercy seat. The test is precious, why we exist.

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June 21, 2017

June 21, 2017

Obedience is doing what God wants without him telling you.
John 20: 19-23 Flesh is no longer to be tested. Why we need to see self as dead.
Luke 24: 15-32 The disciples (Luke, Cleopas) didn’t recognize him, their hearts burned within them, may they burn within us.

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June 20, 2017

June 20, 2017

2 Thess 2:3 Man of sin, son of perdition. The man of sin is us, sitting in the temple.
Gen 3: 1 Manifestation of the fall; in ancient cultures the serpent was a metaphor for our minds. She twisted God’s words.
2 Thess 2: 3-4
Rev 13: 18
Gen 3:4
Matt 18: 3 Except you become converted and become as this little child… Knowing who the anti-christ is is the most important.
Rev. 13: 18  Number of man.
2 Thess 2:8 As soon as we understand who we are (the antichrist) he will destroy the wicked one. Our minds fight hard to keep ourselves in the picture. We aren’t converted til we return to innocence.

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June 16, 2017

June 16, 2017

Forgiveness and humility
What not to forgive
Deut 23: 1-6 Israel was forbidden to pray for these tribes/bastards, etc. This was a type of our mind – every time we use our minds, we haven’t gone to war against the evil one, we haven’t destroyed the tribes.
Isa 57: 1 The stumblingblock – self awareness, self seeking
Rev 17: 1 The waters are the people; the wine is the wine of self seeking; the golden cup contains everything we want / fornication is using the ways of the world instead of going to God for sustenance.
This is about what not to forgive.

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June 14, 2017

June 14, 2017

Foregiveness, humility
James 1: 27
James 4: 1-6 If you are a friend of the world, you are an enemy of God.
1 John 2: 15  If you love anything in the world, you can’t truly be humble
Our trek is to go from the world to the mercy seat. Once baptized, see self as buried.
James 2: 8 If we offend in one point, we are guilty of the entire law.
Don’t ever think you’ve arrived. The essence of humility is you can never think you’ve arrived.

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June 9, 2017

June 9, 2017

Luke 2: 7 Do we truly have peace? i.e. the absence of againstness and everything in the world is coming against us.
John 14: 19-21; 27-28  There is no room for Him in us (as there was no room for him in the inn), when we have the cares of the world.
Thess 5:16  We quench the spirit every time we give importance to anything in time and space.

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June 5, 2017

June 5, 2017

John 6: 26  When we try to understand the bible with our mind, we are eating worm-eaten, corrupted manna of the mind.
Exodus 15: 22-25 Moses case a tree (the cross) into the bitter waters of Mara and they became sweet
Exodus 16: 1-8 The manna satisfied all desire but when there was/is idolatry, it became bitter.
Murmuring is anything but perfect peace.
We have to come to the point of living by faith alone. Huge contrast between the manna from heaven vs. the manna of the mind.
Exodus 16: 12-22
Matt 6: 19-21 Only way to lay up treasure in heaven is to not give importance to earthly things.
Col 2:20 – 3:24
Matt 6:22

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